
The 5th Annual Cemetery “Cemener” Seminar Saturday, September 15, 2018 10:30-1:00 pm

“Suspected Indian burial vaults in Hunterdon County”

Co-sponsored by the Hunterdon 300th

Featuring Dr. Greg Herman on his research of suspected Native American Burial vaults in Hunterdon County.

Dr. Gregory C. Herman earned his BS in geology from Ohio University in 1982. After receiving a MS in structural geology from the Univ. of Connecticut in 1984, he joined the NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) in the water quality management program, regulating industrial facilities having discharge of hazardous wastes to groundwater. He transferred to the NJ Geological Survey (NJGS) in 1985 to map bedrock geology in NJ. In 1997 he received his PhD in Geology from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Having retired from the NJGS after 32 years, Greg now teaches Earth Science at local colleges and a university while consulting on Earth science projects. He also researches impact tectonics and provides Earth-science themes for Google Earth.

Recently Greg has been researching native peoples in Hunterdon County, his fieldwork has led to the possible rediscovery of ancient stone burial mounds located atop the Cushetunk Mountains, the basis of his talk. The discovery awaits confirmation through professional archeological work.

Flemington Presbyterian Church, 10 East Main St., Flemington, NJ

$10 Registration required. Register by mail or visit Mail checks made out to HCHS Cemetery Committee to: HCHS Cemetery Committee, 114 Main St., Flemington, NJ 08822