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Goodspeed Histories: June 2022

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** June 19, 2022
Best wishes to all you fathers out there. It is a good thing we have a day set aside to stop and think about the contributions good fathers make to the well-being of their families. I was a little surprised when researching today’s article to find that many of the fathers died while their children were still young, and in some cases, not yet born, leaving widows to cope with children and taverns on their own.

** Cherryville’s Tavern (https://goodspeedhistories.com/cherryvilles-tavern/)
When Egbert T. Bush wrote about this tavern, he could not get back to the earliest owners. So that’s what part one (James Anderson’s Tavern (https://goodspeedhistories.com/james-andersons-tavern/) ) was all about. Today’s instalment features Mr. Bush’s article accompanied by my comments and some maps, exploring the third tavern in a cluster of taverns in Raritan and Franklin Townships.

While working on this article, I was reminded of how important it is for local history that our earliest buildings be preserved. Mr. Bush and I do not always agree, and today our disagreement is major (making me wonder if I might be wrong). He and I think the tavern was located on opposite sides of the Cherryville intersection. One of those buildings is still standing, the one that Mr. Bush thinks was the tavern, but the other one, the one that I think was the tavern, burned down in 1877. So we cannot compare the two.

First of all, apologies for the mistakes I made when I published my recent articles, especially the McPherson Family Tree. A few corrections have been made since publication, and I especially want to thank Marilyn Cummings for catching a major error in the first paragraph, of all places, when I wrote in the previous Cherryville article that Reuben McPherson owned the tavern from 1816 to 1831. In fact, he didn’t own it until 1827! If you relied on the article in the first couple of days after publication, please go back for the updated & corrected version.

From the Hunterdon Republican
This item from the July 22, 1880 edition of the Republican struck me as odd in the way it was phrased, but I am glad to repeat it here as it calls attention to people who too often get ignored.

“The colored Republicans of Flemington and vicinity organized a club with these officers: President, Jeremiah Johnson (colored); Vice President, Samuel Epps (colored); Treasurer, David Francis (colored); Secretary, William Lanning (colored) and Assistant Secretary, Wilson B. Nixon (colored). The Colored people are thoroughly united and enthusiastic in their support and will give a good account of themselves on election day.”

In 1880, James A. Garfield of Ohio was the Republican candidate and Winfield S. Hancock of Pennsylvania was the Democrat. Republicans won Black voters’ loyalty by campaigning on the threat that the Democrats would reverse the gains from the Civil War. Regrettably, the Hartman Abstracts of the Hunterdon Republican for 1880 did not include any campaign news.

The HCHS Newsletter
The summer issue of Hunterdon County Historical Society’s newsletter, Hunterdon Historical Record, came out recently and featured an article by the Society’s executive director, David Harding, on Rosemont resident Anton Schuck–a great article about a fascinating character; highly recommended. In addition, John Kuhl has contributed part 2 of his article on “How Some County Railroad Plans Got Off Track,” and archivist Don Cornelius featuring among other things the Society’s collection of the maps by D. Stanton Hammond, maps I maps constantly consulting. If you haven’t joined the Historical Society yet, the newsletter alone makes it worth one’s while.

June 11th was the 13th anniversary of Goodspeed Histories. I started the website when I realized that my allergies were keeping me out of the garden and at home when meetings were going on, but my love of local history was going strong then and still is today.

Happy Summer!