Marfy This Month: March 2015

I am sure all of you are aware of the terrible fire that destroyed the Sergeantsville Inn, a place that has long been dear to our hearts. In recognition of this sad event, I am publishing a partial history of the Inn up to the early 1900s. I admit it has been a rush job, and am fearful that I may be coming back to make corrections. It has certainly been a challenge, but part of my impetus was the need to correct the bizarre claims repeatedly published in blaring headlines. 300-year-old landmark! Geo. Washington slept there!
The history of the Inn doesn’t need any of this “my house is older than yours” business or any association with Gen. Washington to make it interesting. I hope you will agree with me when you read The Sergeantsville Inn.

This Week’s Query: Earlier this week I published a Query from Lora Olsen. She has a photograph of a farmstead that might have been located on the old Trout farm in Raritan Township. But I do not know the answer. Perhaps one of you do?
March 6, Locktown Got Its Name As Result of Church Quarrel by Egbert T. Bush