HCHSMarfy This Month

Goodspeed Histories: September 2022

The Pittstown Inn, Part One (https://goodspeedhistories.com/pittstown-inn-part-one/)
It has taken me a lot longer than usual to compose this history, and I find that I cannot get the whole story into just one article. In fact, today’s article only gets as far as the year 1800. There’s plenty more to come, but I am hopeful that it will not take me quite as long to publish Part Two.

Speaking of Pittstown
There is this gem from the Hunterdon Republican for June 10, 1857: Pearls in the Capoolong

Pearls found in muscles [sic] which abound in the Capolon [Capoolong Creek, also ‘Cakepoulin’ Creek] and other streams in the vicinity of Pittstown. James Davenport found a pearl in a small creek in Union township which measured 1 & 3/8 inches in circumference, was perfectly spherical and had a beautiful luster. He and his sons had collected nearly 100 pearls of various sizes and qualities from the streams in the vicinity of Pittstown.

Military Strategy
An opinion piece in the Washington Post by Max Boot for 8/17/2022 discussed the Ukraine army’s ability to weaken the Russian forces–a strategy known as “a thousand bee stings.” I was reminded of the strategy used by the NJ militia during the Revolution when British forces were marching back and forth across the province. John T. Cunningham’s book, New Jersey: America’s Main Road, has a good description of how the war was managed in our state, and Washington’s brilliant and remarkable leadership.

Speaking of the Revolution:
Another interesting article, this one in USA Today, concerned the recent discovery of Hession soldier burials in New Jersey. True, they were on the wrong side during the Revolution, but they managed to compose a wonderful map, which I have featured in today’s post.

toQuakertown Tavern (https://goodspeedhistories.com/quakertowns-taverns/) :
Sharp-eyed Marilyn Cummings caught my error–I called David McPherson Daniel  when writing about his 6-acre lot. That has since been fixed. She also asked me to clarify the ownership of that 6-acre lot, thinking that it was the same as the property that the later tavern owned by John Reeder was located on, the one on the north side of the Cherryville Road. I can see how it could get confusing. Clearing that up took a little extra work.

to Barber Burying Ground (https://goodspeedhistories.com/barber-burying-ground/) :
A Corle descendant got in touch with me and pointed out that I had mistakes with the family of William Krebbs Oats and his three wives, two of whom were buried in the cemetery (Elizabeth W. Corle and Mary Ann Coryell). They are now properly identified along with their correct dates.

And Finally:
For those of you interested in reading more by members of the Zimmer-Goodspeed family, may I recommend Carl Zimmer’s ‘Matter’ column in the New York Times: “What Makes Your Brain Different from a Neanderthal’s (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/08/science/human-brain-neanderthal-gene.html) ,” and his brother Ben Zimmer’s article in his ‘Word on the Street’ column in the Wall Street Journal: “Diva (https://www.wsj.com/articles/diva-a-goddess-of-the-stage-who-demands-her-due-11662674313?st=pw0ii0hlycf74cv&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink&fbclid=IwAR1Wz6fwmJYKZhW2sq8pHeRKawfuCqU7JDwm6maTJNrm3g9tgW4-xdLqAlA) “.

Happy Reading!
Marfy Goodspeed