Every Picture Tells a Story: The Stockton Fire of 1905

“With a blizzard raging, with the snow flying and the wind blowing at the rate of fifty miles an hour, fire broke out in Davison’s general store at Stockton . . . at about 1 o’clock on Thursday morning, an overheated stove being the supposed cause,” reported the January 26 Lambertville Beacon.
Fire destroyed these buildings: A.L. Davison’s store; John F. Sherwood’s restaurant and dwelling; Smith Cottrall’s cigar and confectionery store (owned by Frank Wagner); Samuel S. Horner’s undertaking establishment and residence; the building occupied by Tony Suozzo, shoemaker (it was owned by C. L. Fell); H. W. Fisher’s barber shop; dwelling houses owned by Edward Foss (or Faucs), Alfred Wilson, William Durling, Mrs. Cornelia Wood, Willis Dilts and Spencer Dilts; and other small buildings. The newspaper recorded total losses estimated between $25,000 and $30,000.
The blaze prompted residents the next year to establish a fire company and purchase a fire engine.