
Marfy This Week, February 13, 2015

Bull-Reading-Welsted2-copy-1024x788Today I’ve published an article about two fascinating survey maps that Bob Leith found at the Hunterdon Co. Historical Society Archives. They are beautifully drawn, and full of interesting bits of information relating to Bull’s Island, Raven Rock and surroundings. Check it out—

“Return to Raven Rock”

Also found by Mike Alfano was an early deed from Richard Bull to John Reading, dated Feb. 9, 1721/22, shortly before Bull’s death in Gloucester County. It also provides food for thought.

Bull-Reading-copy-1024x858For those of you who have not had a chance yet, please visit my website to see how much better it looks, now that Ken Newbaker has redesigned it for me. I am delighted with it, and hope you are too. If you find any links that no longer work, or any other problems with the new design, please contact me at marfyg@gmail.com. We’ll try our best to fix every glitch.

Next week, I expect to publish an article on the graves in the Locktown Baptist Cemetery. I say expect because I never know when something even more interesting might pop up. Today’s article is a good example of that.

Stay warm, people!