Old is New February 19, 2015

The latest of our backscanned editions of the “Hunterdon Historical Newsletter” has been posted! It is Vol. 41, No. 1, from Winter of 2005. I assure you it IS the winter edition, even though the masthead says “Spring”! Included in this edition was this excellent article by John Kuhl that we thought might be an enjoyable read:
NYC Mayor Hunterdon Native
By John Kuhl
Those of us in our society who have been involved in answering such correspondence are always amazed at the volume of requests we receive from all over the country as people write to search out their Hunterdon County ancestors. From 1713 the county embraced all the land in West Jersey north of the middle of Trenton on up to the New York state border. Morris County was split off in 1738 and from this in 1753 was taken Sussex County-from which, in turn, Warren County was created in 1824. Finally, Mercer and with it Trenton, was set off in 1838. Even given its final diminished area, thousands of families can claim Hunterdon origins from within its present borders…