Collections 101 thru 125
(NOTE: Titles in burgundy are links to pdf files of the collection.)
Collection 101. The Jack Shepard Papers (1918-1958). This collection includes an assortment of memorabilia saved by Jack Shepard during his time as an engineer in WWI, as well as some records of his activities in the civic life of Flemington, NJ and the operation of the Flemington Fair. There is also a handwritten travel journal by Milton Shepard dated 1877. Download Archives List
Collection 102. Records of the Whitehouse Station Business Association (1964-1979). This collection documents the work of this organization, and is comprised of a variety of administrative records that includes public relations, finances and event planning, particularly in relation to the annual Memorial Day Parade in Whitehouse. There is also documentation available entailing the design and construction of the Veteran’s Monument at the Readington Municipal Building. Download Archives List
Collection 103. John Bullock Letters (1865). This collection contains 16 letters written to John Bullock during the summer of 1865. The majority of them are from his mother, Jannet Bullock. Included are letters from other family members during the same time period. Legal notifications and supporting documents are also enclosed. Download Archives List
Collection 104. Bauer Farm Records(1916-1974). This is a collection of receipts from the Bauer Family that document farm life from the early 1900s to the mid 1970s. By studying the entire collection one can glean information typical of a mid-twentieth century Hunterdon County farm operation.
Collection 105. Moses Lake Tavern (1863). This small collection is comprised of documents relating to the tavern license, tax receipts and tavern costs for a tavern or inn operated by Moses Lake, at his home in Raritan Township, NJ.
Collection 106. Walter E. Foran Memorabilia (1919-1986). The collection comprises newspaper clippings, senate resolutions and photographs relating to State Senator Walter E. Foran and his father, Col. Arthur F. Foran.
Collection 107. Green Papers (1938-1946). A small collection of Christmas cards from the Green Family, as well as four photographs; a portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Green, individually, and a single photograph of each with their horses.
Collection 108. Large Family Photographs (1865-1920). The collection comprises 1 handwritten lease of Eliza Large for a property in Whitehouse Station and 61 various photographs, mostly of the Large Family of Flemington. The photographs date from approximately 1865 to 1920 and include various photographic processes such as ferrotype, albumen, silver gelatin, and developed out prints.

Collection 109. Boileau – Blane Collection (ca. 1863 – 1949). This collection overviews the lineage of the Boileau-Blane family. Manuscripts and photographs begin with the marriage of Eleanor L Boileau and Samuel Boileau, and the collection concludes with photographs and documents from the life of Nancy Burdick. Photographs, some labeled and others unidentified, make up the majority of items. Follow the link to view the finding guide for the collection.
Collection 110. The Elisha Warford Papers (1803-1863). This collection contains legal and business papers of Elisha Warford from 1803 to 1863. It also contains the diaries of Benjamin H. Ellicott from 1862-1863. The collection would be of interest to anyone researching business, land dealings, and genealogy of the Warford Family and Western Hunterdon County (Kingwood, Delaware, Alexandria) between 1803 and 1863. The collection also provides a very personal glimpse of Ellicott’s views on both local and state news and the events of the Civil War.

Collection No. 111: Records of the Hunterdon County Parks Service (1910-2006). The collection comprises papers, photographs, and land acquisitions of the Hunterdon County Park System from 1910-2006, This collection would be of interest to anyone interested in Hunterdon County parks, youth programs or scouting. Download Archives List | Download Container List
Collection 112. The George W. Van Syckel Collection. Consists of George W. Van
Syckel’s research on the Van Syckel family of Alexandria Township. It includes
cemetery records, deeds, other family documents, news clippings, and photographs.
The collection provides information on both the Van Syckel family and the Alexandria Township area, and would prove useful to anyone researching Hunterdon families in Alexandria Township.
Some of the interesting documents in the collection include 5 folders of original records of the Mount Pleasant Cemetery Association from 1845 to 1950. There are also 13 original deeds from 1817-1891 to real property owned by the Van Syckel and other families in Alexandria Township. There is a unique county militia commission from 1805, a teaching diploma from 1874, and family genealogy notes from 1881. There are also 10 photographs and some of George Van Syckel’s modern genealogical research. To aid in the use of the collection, there is an every name index located last in the finding aid.
Collection 113. The Fleischbein Donation (Alexandria Deeds and Records), (1805-1904). This collection is comprised of a small assortment of legal documents: indentures/deeds, insurance and mortgage records, and correspondence and dowry transactions from several Hunterdon County families, especially the Pittenger family.
Collection 114. Bruno Hauptmann Trial Photographs. This collection consists of twenty-three assorted photographs of scenes from the trial of Bruno Hauptman. The photographs do not provide complete coverage of the trial but give a general overview of different events surrounding, and within, the courthouse. The photographer is unknown..
Collection No. 115. The Ron Schultzel Cemetery and Church Files (1982-2008). This extensive collection is a series of research and field exploration notes relating to cemeteries and churches of Hunterdon and Warren Counties. The Papers contain research folders labeled by cemetery and church name. Most of the material includes research copies and work notes taken from published and unpublished books and manuscripts, supplemented by findings on trips to the cemetery or church in question. These additional research work notes can include tombstone inscriptions, photographs, correspondence, original or drawn locator maps, photocopies of deeds, photocopies of research sources, and original notes by the creator of the collection. Download Container List
Collection 116. Collection No. 116; The Records of the League of American Wheelmen, Hunterdon County Chapter (1890-1910). This collection encompasses a wide variety of documents related to the League of American Wheelmen (LAW). The organization was very active both politically and socially, and the group had a sizable membership within Hunterdon County. This collection would interest anyone researching the League of American Wheelmen, bicycling in the era of 1890 to 1910, or the contributions of this group to Hunterdon County’s social history. Download Container List
Collection No. 117. New Jersey Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Collection. This Collection consists of post-Civil War papers, pamphlets, records, and artifacts of New Jersey members of the Grand Army of the Republic. The items are related to GAR reunions, Memorial Day celebrations, burial services, and the records of individual GAR members. The collection would interest any researcher of civil war veterans and their activities after the war. Download Container List
Collection 118. Collection No. 118; Papers from the Office of Alvah Augustus Clark. This collection consists of certain papers from the law offices of Alvah Augustus Clark relating to (i) personal matters relating to Mr. Clark’s farm in Lebanon, New Jersey, Hunterdon County; (ii) legal matters having a Hunterdon County connection; (iii) an account book of Samuel Johnston, a workman/glazier from Tewksbury, New Jersey; and (iv) the Ordinances of High Bridge, 1915.
Collection No. 119. Collection No. 119; The Davis Family Papers (1807-1873). This collection contains a small numbers of records documenting the family of Sylvanus and Mary Davis of Tewksbury Township, NJ. The documents describe costs of funeral services, estate inventories, and assorted receipts. It is a useful source of information for Davis family genealogy and for studying the family dynamic in a farming community in the early nineteenth century.

Image credit: Frank L. Greenage
Coll. 120. Papers from the Second English Presbyterian Church of West Amwell. The collection consists of legal documents, deeds, and notes on the Church history. Some of these are foundational documents for this particular church. This collection would be of interest to anyone researching the history of this church or the area of Mt. Airy.
Collection No. 121. Holcombe Family Papers, 1891 – 1917. This collection contains Holcombe Family Genealogy, information concerning family reunions from 1891 and 1917, and information about the Holcombe Family Association from the same time period.
Collection 122. John Schenk Papers I (1922-1980). This collection includes notes, correspondence and photographs of John Schenk. Major collection subjects include Mr. Schenk’s research on tall-case clockmakers of Hunterdon County, the establishment of the Doric House museum, material relating to the Flemington Choir School, a transcript of Treasure and Pride, (unpublished manuscript) and Ron Schultzel’s notes on the collection and draft of a history of Hunterdon County clockmakers (based on Mr. Schenk’s notes). The collection would be beneficial to anyone interested in Hunterdon County tall case clockmakers. Download Container List
Collection 123. John Schenk Papers II (1947-1965). Collection contains miscellaneous personal papers and notes relating to Mr. Schenk’s research and lectures on Hunterdon County makers of tall case clocks. It also contains a carousel of slides used in the lecture as well as photographic prints of the slides and other materials used in the lecture. The collection would be helpful to anyone interested in tall case clocks and Hunterdon County’s role in their history. Download Container List
Collection No. 124. Case Family Deeds (1840-1886): This collection contains five different links of property transferences concerning the Case and related families from 1840 to 1886. The files include deeds, mortgages and loans from predominantly Delaware and Kingwood Townships, Hunterdon, County, NJ. This collection would be of interest to anyone researching land transference between the Case and other families in southwestern Hunterdon County.
Collection No. 125. Biographical Files of Revolutionary War Soldiers. This collection is comprised of documents relating to the service records and biographical information concerning 34 Hunterdon County Revolutionary War soldiers. The folders are a mix of original notes, research, and copies of information from other primary and secondary sources. The collection would interest anyone conducting biographical or genealogical research on Hunterdon County Revolutionary War Soldiers. Download Archives Details | Download Container List